Learn The Proven Path to Create Lasting Changes for Your Clients...

in ANY and EVERY
coaching session

Grow into a wildly confident and successful Professional Coach with our FREE EVOLVE Coaching Path Guidebook and Session Planner.

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Imagine having a powerful yet flexible framework to help plan and guide you successfully

through ANY coaching session.

✨ One that enables your unique style of coaching and creativity to shine through...

👍 Supports you to confidently hold any client through any challenge, block, belief or pattern, no matter what it is…

🚀 And creates sustainable transformation on all five layers of your client’s Being -  physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual.

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If you’re ready to…

⚡ Know exactly where to journey with clients in sessions for maximum results
⚡ Transform your clients so deeply that they rave about you
⚡ Grow a successful, professional and profitable coaching business that is deeply fulfilling

You’re going to love our Guidebook and Planner.

Your free coaching success tools

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Coaching Path


Your step-by-step guide to the proven-to-work EVOLVE Coaching Path, that you can use in your client sessions.

Complete with:

  • A comprehensive breakdown of each of the 6 stages of the EVOLVE Coaching Path
  • Pro Coach tips
  • Guidance on how session structure supports safety, creativity and deep transformation
  • What coaching is and is not
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Coaching Path

Session Planner

A printable and editable PDF session outline that helps life coaches intentionally structure and plan their sessions.

Complete with:

  • A flexible and easy-to-follow framework to guide your coaching sessions
  • Powerful coaching question examples to ask at each stage of the EVOLVE Coaching Path
  • Timings for each step on the Path (based on a 60 minute session)
  • Space for note taking
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Say BYE👋 to generic, rigid, stifling and one-size-fits-all coaching methods.

And say a big warm welcome to a proven-to-work framework that's not just flexible but creates a safe and healing container for your clients that supports openness, depth and lasting transformation…

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Much like a map that guides your way, or a compass that provides direction, our Guidebook and Planner won’t stifle your coaching journey but rather, provide you with a structure that enhances it and amplifies your unique coaching magic and gifts.

Infused with decades of expert coaching experience, these tools support existing and aspiring professional life coaches to serve their clients intentionally, skillfully and confidently.

Perfect for all types of practicing

AND aspiring coaches…

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If you’re an existing Coach who is devoted to up-levelling how you support your clients...

Or an aspiring Coach who wants to learn how to structure and guide a client through an impactful and life-changing coaching session...

Then our Guidebook and Planner are for you!

Meet your teachers...

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Natalie MacNeil


Natalie has over 15 years of training and professional practice in modalities like NLP, EFT, Gestalt Therapy, Breathwork and Meditation, and has coached thousands of people to evolve into their fullest potential. Her Professional Life Coach Certification (that of course uses the EVOLVE Coaching Path!) is the only ICF-accredited, multi-modality program of its kind in the world.

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Lorraine Hamilton


Lorraine is the author of three books on coaching, and has been featured in countless media outlets including Coaching Life and Inspired COACH Magazine. Having coached professionally for over 20 years, Lorraine is committed to successfully training the future leaders of the industry as Program Director and Master Coach Trainer at Coaching Evolved.

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"Coming out of my health coaching certification I felt I had no idea what I was doing. I was coaching but I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. The coaching model I learned through Coaching Evolved is really effective. The frameworks are incredible and I’m finding it so much easier to coach than before. I felt like I was trying so hard and using these tools has been so supportive for me and my clients."

– Anna Finck
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"When I came across Coaching Evolved, it was a whole body, yes. I still use the session guide, every single session to organize my sessions. Those frameworks really gave me the confidence to take people into all the different facets and step into really transformational spaces."

– Michelle Kinder
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"As a new coach, the structures and the framework were incredibly powerful tools. They empowered me and equipped me to actually know what I was doing and run a session and feel confident. Confidence is huge in a new endeavour. Those pieces really were just like the ground under my feet of safety."

– Cynthia McGrath
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"There is nothing like it. I've done a lot. I have done so many courses in my life. I have got degrees everywhere. I've got certificates. There is nothing like this out there except here.”

– Tanya Rutherford
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Ready to
coach with


And deepen your client’s transformations with a proven-to-work professional framework that honors your creativity and individuality?