The Coaching Evolved Mastery


Costa Rica,
September 16th - 20th, 2023

Deepen your somatic coaching skills, accelerate your business success, and advance your personal transformation.

Step away from your screen, and into the wisdom of your Soma in the jungle of Costa Rica.

And spend five magnificent and soul nourishing
days immersed in:
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Coaching mastery

Create lasting transformation for your clients with advanced Somatic and Embodiment Coaching techniques that can only be taught, and mastered in-person…like EFT, Gestalt, Tantra, breathwork and more.

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Business mastery

Discover proven ways to expand your business and strategy and a formula for your next 12 months of growth. You’ll soak in the skills and strategies that are working for 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs right now, inspired by Natalie’s mastermind for 7-figure women leaders and entrepreneurs.

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Self mastery

Explore potent embodiment practices and laser coaching with Natalie that will unlock beautiful new parts of you so you can activate more of your genius and power and transmute your triggers into treasures.

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Cultivate an influential community of sacred sisters and purposeful peers that will lay the bedrock of connection, collaboration and opportunity for your unlimited growth with a lifetime return on investment

Imagine this...

It’s September 17th, 2023 and you’re opening your sleep-saturated eyes to the sun as tropical birdsong peppers the air.

You gently rise to the invigorating sounds of the jungle (watch for the monkeys!), setting your intentions for the day ahead…

A delicious farm-to-table breakfast beckons you to the main hall with your peers as you pour yourself a cup of café negro sourced from the fields around you…
Excitedly, you make your way to the morning coaching session, where you’ll map out the biggest opportunities for your business.

Refining your sales and marketing strategies amidst hints of hibiscus is a non-negotiable for your 12 months ahead… 🌺😌

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Panoramic views of paradise envelop us.

You breathe deeply into feelings of overflow that now get to ripple out across your coaching practice, business expansion and every element of your life…

Then you enjoy a nourishing lunch with fresh, locally-grown produce while you chat to new friends…

Afterwards, you take some time for yourself, whether it's going for a swim or having a massage at the spa…

Next up is our afternoon session, exploring the edges of somatic coaching and learning new coaching tools and techniques to transform and delight your clients…

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As you nestle into your cushion on the floor, I turn to you and say:

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This body-based practice transformed my business and my Self from the inside out. And this morning I’m going to share it with you, so you can fully learn, embody and master it

to transform the lives of your clients...

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You tune into the supportive women surrounding you and relax into the frequency of safety and security required to do this deep-level work.

As the sun starts to dip down, our glorious dinner feast begins with the most delectable food and drinks, and of course, amazing company…

Our final session of the day will support you in embodying the somatic practices explored in the afternoon so you can truly master the techniques in your own Being and apply it to your Self and your Life.

You unfold and open into new levels of awareness, expansion and authentic self-expression…

As you look up at the night sky, you realize that… you co-created this moment.

Tingles of gratitude touch every cell of your being as you honour yourself for choosing to step beyond the screen, invest in your boldest Self, and claim your business, coaching and personal expansion as not a far-off vision but a fully integrated reality!

And you realize that it's only day 1 ✨

Over 5 days of epic transformation, I’m going to guide you through…

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Planting the seeds of your personal and professional dreams

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Fertilizing the soil with cutting-edge somatic tools, techniques and practices

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Tending to the roots of your business by uncovering any hidden blocks or self-sabotaging patterns and harnessing the self-limiting spirals as catalysts for growth

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So you can:

⚓ Expand your coaching toolkit with science-backed, multi-faceted modalities and techniques (some of which can only be taught in person), so you can effectively coach your clients through lasting transformation.
☄️ Supercharge your business growth by implementing proven strategies, and time saving tools that will take your business to the next level of sucess you desire without creating stress and overwhelm.
🦋 Unfold into your highest potential by deeping your personal practice, healing old wounds and limiting beliefs and witness your life transforming from the inside out to experience more joy, flow and abundance in every facet of your Being.
👑 Claim your throne as a confident and masterful coach who’s able to move between modalities, and be a clear channel in the coaching process to guide their clients to the highest good.
💗 Make memories that leave an imprint on your soul with heart-centred peers on a collective path of evolution, cultivating influential personal and professional relationships that last a lifetime

Ready to evolve personally and professionally in the vibration

of abundance?

This 5-day Mastery Retreat will be a metamorphic catalyst into your next-level of Self in your coaching craft, business acceleration and personal-expansion.

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...An environment that is safe, authentic, feminine and non-judgmental.

"Natalie’s methodology combines powerful tools for personal transformation with theoretical knowledge in an environment that is safe, authentic, feminine and non-judgmental. For me, the power was the combination of these aspects. It was because of the group environment that I could truly feel the transformation happening. The sessions where we did breathwork together were so powerful. The tools I learned in the program help me recognize negative patterns much more quickly than before and they also help me come back to my center."


*Coaching Evolved student as the Mastery Retreat is a new offer

Your Somatic Sanctuary


Pura Vida Retreat & Spa is a mountainside yoga and revitalizing wellness sanctuary located on an eight-acre gated property surrounded by coffee-draped hills, just 20 minutes from Costa Rica’s SJO Airport. When you land at SJO, we’ll have a shuttle waiting to take you to the retreat center.

Single occupancy and double occupancy rooms are available for selection below, each nestled amidst verdant gardens and stunning panoramic views.

Nourishing cuisine from the retreat center’s Holistic Garden and regional purveyors is served buffet style in the dining hall, and is all-inclusive in the 4-night, 5-day retreat.

In-between coaching sessions,

you have the option to enjoy specialty wellness treatments by trained and certified professionals committed to healing from the heart.

Or drink-in Costa Rica’s natural beauty and rich wildlife with curated eco-adventures (tours can be reserved once you’re at the center).

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If you’re interested in creating your life on your terms and becoming the best version of yourself, this is the place you need to be.

"Natalie’s wonderful spirit makes you feel safe and heard. She is kind and wise, and her practical methods will support you in your transformation and to become your own best coach. With her methodology, you learn to become more aware of yourself and understand why you keep creating the same situations in your life so you can change them."


*Coaching Evolved student as the Mastery Retreat is a new offer

Reserve Your Spot

in Paradise:

All Prices include 4-nights’ accommodation, breakfast, lunch and evening meals each day, plus transportation to/from SJO International Airport on your day of arrival and departure.

Airfare to and from Costa Rica is not included.

Single Occupancy

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Double Occupancy

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*We can't guarantee the exact room, but these are photos of what the room may look like.


My highest joy is hosting retreats...

It’s the container that my work is best experienced in and allows me to guide my clients through their deepest transformations.

You’ll be beyond grateful that you decided to join the Mastery Retreat as you walk away from the experience and integrate all the learnings and breakthroughs into your business and everyday life.

There’s a sunrise in the pura vida of Costa Rica with your name on it, dear one.

See you in Costa Rica? ¡Qué chiva!

x Natalie

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