Evolve Series

Spring Renewal Ritual: Unlock Your Potential with Mindfulness & Breathwork

Can you sense the vibrant shift in the air? Spring has arrived (in the Northern Hemisphere), inviting personal transformation and a blossoming of your dormant potential. This Evolve Series workshop ...

The Be, Do, Have Coaching Tool [Free Workshop]

The Be, Do, Have Framework is a deceptively simple yet incredibly powerful coaching tool that can transform your approach to achieving goals and creating lasting change in your own life ...

Embody Your 2024 Vision: A Guided Multi-Sensory Visualization and Workshop

Before diving into the logistics of action plans and goal setting, it's essential to connect deeply with your own beingness – the core of who you are. At Coaching Evolved, ...

EFT ‘Tapping’ for Resistance and Manifestation Blocks

Have you ever had a desire, dream or goal that was so close to your heart that you yearned for it with all of your Being…. Yet felt blocked when ...

Working with Repressed Emotions Like Anger

The capacity to support clients to express and release repressed emotions like anger is one of the skills that sets deeply embodied, trained, and masterful coaches apart from amateurs. While ...

Rituals and Self-Care for Coaches Before, During, and After a Session

Self-care for coaches is often overlooked but vital to supporting your clients –and yourself –during each session. Many coaches, leaders, healers and teachers put so much emphasis on how they ...

The Perspective Triangle: A Coaching Tool for Emotional Triggers in Relationships

The Perspective Triangle is a coaching tool created by Coaching Evolved that blends Gestalt, neuroscience, NLP, and embodiment practice. It’s one of the core tools we teach inside our ICF-accredited, ...